Lena Athanasopoulou photographically tests, our memories of landscapes in her Extended Memory series. She sets her lens not on existing landscapes, but on factory manufactured imagery of fairy tale-ish and idealized nature, which she found in one-pound stores around London. And so, landscapes of weirdness, eerie, and magic emerge.
Her intention is to show how different our gaze and memory can be, depending on where, when and how we stand in front of something we miss - even if we have never seen it.
[Athanasopoulou Lena (1979, Greece)
Extended Memory I, 2009
Mixed Media, Archival Inkjet Print 1/3, 68 x 68 cm
Donation of the artist (2010), MOMus - Museum of Contemporary Art-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and State Museum of Contemporary Art Collections]