Antonis Papadopoulos balances between the real and the imaginary with the skill of a professional acrobat, as he chooses to depict real - ordinary objects but with a surreal way, as one can see in this particular diptych, isolating the bread and the roof tile from time and space, giving them supersized dimensions and symbolic tones. Of course he highlights the fact that nothing else matters, in the present condition, than the "return to the essentials", commenting on the same time just how much some take food and home for granted, while for others they are just as absent.
[Antonis Papadopoulos, Untitled, pastels on canvas- diptych, 150 x 150 cm., 2004-05, Donation of the artist to SMCA, MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and State Museum of Contemporary Art Collections]