At the present moment, on our computer screen we are confronted with a flow of images and texts that sometimes inform us and sometimes misinform us, sometimes terrorize us and sometimes reassure us, sometimes promise to keep alive our illusion that nothing has change. And yet, reality has changed and is changing every day. We observe it, we feel it, we know it. MOMus, continuing the “Resilience Project”, is expanding its resilience and wants to communicate more with everyone who needs it. Share with us an image created by you that has artistic qualities, in response to the conditions of confinement that we experience. The aim is not simply to create social substitutes for our loneliness, nor simply to protect basic values and acquired rights, but, under this extreme and unexpected condition of everyday life that has affected all of us indiscriminately, to redefine values such as freedom, equality, justice, free time, solidarity and access to the basic goods of health, education and culture. Comment our new, hopefully temporary, way of life and of communication with your own photo, your painting, drawing or other visual medium that may be in the form of image, animation, sound, text or video. Give your own tone and let's make the digital album of these days all together.

Sunday, 31 May 2020 17:00

The Continental

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The collage series "Building Machines" is a visual experiment based on the definitions of congruence and anatopism. Congruence describes a situation where a state of harmony is perceived or achieved. There is a governing notion of similarity, albeit a strange one: it is not a complete equivalence, nor a complete disjunction. Anatopism, on the other hand, is for "topos" what anachronism is for "chronos", and it requires an operation of spatial transformation and transposition, which often leads to a multiple reading of the contraption and its new context.
Read 1771 times Last modified on Sunday, 31 May 2020 19:17
Σπυρίδων Καπρίνης

Ο Σπυρίδων Καπρίνης ολοκλήρωσε τις πτυχιακές και μεταπτυχιακές του σπουδές στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Westminster, στο Πανεπιστήμιο του UCL και στην Architectural Association του Λονδίνου. Εργάστηκε για τους Zaha Hadid Architects και από το 2017 διδάσκει αρχιτεκτονικό σχεδιασμό στο London South Bank University και στο University of Huddersfield, όπου και είναι υποψήφιος διδάκτορας. Είναι εγγεγραμμένος αρχιτέκτονας και μέλος του Τεχνικού Επιμελητηρίου Ελλάδος (Τ.Ε.Ε.) από το 2003. Επίσης, ασχολείται με την τέχνη του κολλάζ και με τη μουσική.


21st Kolokotroni Str.
Moni Lazariston
56430, Stavroupoli
(+30) 2310 589141-3
Fb MOMusModern

MOMus Contemporary

154 Egnatia Av (TIF-Helexpo premises)
54630, Thessaloniki
(+30) 2310 240002
Fb MOMusContemporary


Warehouse A, Pier A,Thessaloniki port area,
3, Navarchou Votsi str.
54625, Thessaloniki
(+30) 2310 566 716
Fb MOMusPhotography


Warehouse B1, Pier A
Thessaloniki port area
P.O.Box 10759
541 10, Thessaloniki
(+30) 2310 593 270
Fb MOMusExperimental

Alex Mylona

5, Agion Asomaton Square
10554, Athens
(+30) 210 3215717
Fb MOMusAlex Mylona