At the present moment, on our computer screen we are confronted with a flow of images and texts that sometimes inform us and sometimes misinform us, sometimes terrorize us and sometimes reassure us, sometimes promise to keep alive our illusion that nothing has change. And yet, reality has changed and is changing every day. We observe it, we feel it, we know it. MOMus, continuing the “Resilience Project”, is expanding its resilience and wants to communicate more with everyone who needs it. Share with us an image created by you that has artistic qualities, in response to the conditions of confinement that we experience. The aim is not simply to create social substitutes for our loneliness, nor simply to protect basic values and acquired rights, but, under this extreme and unexpected condition of everyday life that has affected all of us indiscriminately, to redefine values such as freedom, equality, justice, free time, solidarity and access to the basic goods of health, education and culture. Comment our new, hopefully temporary, way of life and of communication with your own photo, your painting, drawing or other visual medium that may be in the form of image, animation, sound, text or video. Give your own tone and let's make the digital album of these days all together.

Thursday, 28 May 2020 14:51

Μαρτυρώντας την άβυσσο - Witnessing the abyss

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Μέρος σειράς έργων με βασική θεματική την περιήγηση στην άβυσσο Ζώντας αιωρούμενος ανάμεσα στην ανεμελιά και την ευθυμία οι μέρες περνάνε άσκοπα η μια μετά την άλλη ξανά και ξανά Έτσι ξαφνικά αρχίζει κάτι να τρυπώνει, να επισκιάζει τον κόσμο, να ταρακουνάει, να τραυματίζει. Ο ορίζοντας του βιολογικού συναντάει την θάλασσα του πνεύματος • της ψυχής. Ο κόσμος γεμίζει από το κενό που γιγαντώνεται ασφυκτικά, και η ζωή από μια άσκοπη βόλτα περνάει σε μια απύθμενη άβυσσο όπου στο χάος αυτό ο χώρος και ο χρόνος παραμορφώνεται. Μέσα στο ατελείωτο σκότος κάτι συναρπαστικό συμβαίνει, αρχίζει να υπάρχει κάτι που δίνει σκοπό, κάτι που καταργεί την αέναη πτώση, κάτι που χάρη σ’ αυτό, ο χώρος και χρόνος γίνονται πανίσχυροι, άλλοτε είναι φανερό και άλλοτε είναι μια διαίσθηση κρυμμένη βαθια μέσα στα θεμέλια της ύπαρξη μας, που μόνο τα χνάρια της εντοπίζουμε και μας ελκύουν όπως τίποτε άλλο . Το φως αυτό είναι μια διέξοδος, είναι μια ελπίδα για λύτρωση. Είναι μια αίσθηση ελευθερίας . Είναι ένα ταξίδι που πιθανόν δεν έχει προορισμό, όμως σίγουρα είναι κινητήριος δύναμη . Αυτή τη δύναμη θέλω να υπενθυμίσω. Part of an artworks series with the main theme being the tour into the abyss Living pendulous between carelessness and cheerfulness, the days go by unnecessarily one after the other again and again. So suddenly something starts to creep in, to overshadow the world, to shake, to hurt. The horizon of the biological world meets the sea of ​​spirit • of soul.The world is filled with void that grows suffocatingly, life from a pointless walk passes into a bottomless abyss where this chaos distores space and time. In the endless darkness, something exciting happens, something begins to give purpose, something that abolishes the perpetual fall, something that thanks to it, space and time become powerful, sometimes it is obvious and sometimes it is an intuition hidden deep in the foundations of our existence, whose traces only we can locate and attract us like nothing else. This light is a way out, it is a hope for redemption. It's a sense of freedom. It's a journey that probably has no destination, but it's definitely a driving force. That power i want to remind.

Additional Info

  • Second Language Title: Witnessing the abyss
  • Second Language Description: Part of an artworks series with the main theme being the tour into the abyss Living pendulous between carelessness and cheerfulness, the days go by unnecessarily one after the other again and again. So suddenly something starts to creep in, to overshadow the world, to shake, to hurt. The horizon of the biological world meets the sea of ​​spirit • of soul.The world is filled with void that grows suffocatingly, life from a pointless walk passes into a bottomless abyss where this chaos distores space and time. In the endless darkness, something exciting happens, something begins to give purpose, something that abolishes the perpetual fall, something that thanks to it, space and time become powerful, sometimes it is obvious and sometimes it is an intuition hidden deep in the foundations of our existence, whose traces only we can locate and attract us like nothing else. This light is a way out, it is a hope for redemption. It's a sense of freedom. It's a journey that probably has no destination, but it's definitely a driving force. That power i want to remind.
Read 2727 times Last modified on Friday, 29 May 2020 18:40


21st Kolokotroni Str.
Moni Lazariston
56430, Stavroupoli
(+30) 2310 589141-3
Fb MOMusModern

MOMus Contemporary

154 Egnatia Av (TIF-Helexpo premises)
54630, Thessaloniki
(+30) 2310 240002
Fb MOMusContemporary


Warehouse A, Pier A,Thessaloniki port area,
3, Navarchou Votsi str.
54625, Thessaloniki
(+30) 2310 566 716
Fb MOMusPhotography


Warehouse B1, Pier A
Thessaloniki port area
P.O.Box 10759
541 10, Thessaloniki
(+30) 2310 593 270
Fb MOMusExperimental

Alex Mylona

5, Agion Asomaton Square
10554, Athens
(+30) 210 3215717
Fb MOMusAlex Mylona